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ᗪonoᗪesu • 1 year ago

"yuji did most of the work, tho"

b#tch yuji did all of the work, y'all were just watchin in the back suckin yer thumb, show some humility.

MrBojingo • 1 year ago

no.. no.. yuji did indeed to 'most' of the work. The girls had the cheerleading down pat, as well as calling his name when things got dangerous. Always gotta have someone call out the MC's name in the midst of battle. Without it, we wont know who got attacked! </endsarcasm>

Any isekai with harem you'll find is like that.

Evilspyre • 1 year ago

Only exception I can think of is Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku , where the girls do most of the fighting except for demon lords and he does those alone so doesn't have anyone to cheer him on in a fight, although they do say they were worried when he returns unharmed which doesn't make much sense since he always comes back unharmed and they should be used to it by now.

Takumi AE86 • 1 year ago

Thats not really true. I've read the LN's for Death March. He had some really tough fights against the demon lords and nearly died fighting the Golden Bull demon lord. In fact he went through multiple sets of gear fighting him. Theres a lot more to it than that but he didnt come out of those fights unscathed.

Catman847 • 1 year ago

classic females at a school project be like

Podglu • 1 year ago

The anime skipped this but in the manga it's Yuji who asked them to share the credit to avoid attracting too much attention.

I'm more of an anime guy than manga guy but for this one, the manga is clearly better.
For exemple during his magic test in the manga, the others' faces are Grand Blue-tier which makes it way funnier. (They pretty much removed most of the comedy)

xepale • 1 year ago

"it's the stuff of legends"
yeah, genius, that's why it's in the book of legends .....

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago

RIGHT?! Oh man, I was JUST about to comment on that, I even found the timestamp for it just so I could, but ya beat me to it! Kudos! XD

Rx21 • 1 year ago

What that man mean to say was... If it's true that dragon not a catastrophic class anymore, It's a Legend level monster.. They predict the dragon was catastrophic based on early information they get before yuji tell them the detail.
Either way the tl team just doing a meme

xepale • 1 year ago

you see the "haha" ?
it was a joke bud :P

Rx21 • 1 year ago

You see "meme" ?
its a joke bud :P

KuroYasha • 1 year ago


Usami Mizuki • 1 year ago

I can't wait for the "By the Grace of God" Season 2 Anime

I love Slice of Life Isekai for some reason.

Birb • 1 year ago

It shows that not all people are into Action genre.
Respect for every genre.

SusanooPirate • 1 year ago

fantasy genre is pretty popular

Unholy • 1 year ago

so long as it is interesting :>

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

Slice of life means pretty much real life. lol. I have no idea why people started calling it like a daily life thing. I mean what they're looking at is fantasy so it couldn't be slice of life. Your Lie in April on the other hand would be a Slice of Life. Since it's fantasy it couldn't really be slice of life no matter how much that gets confused in media.

Definition: a naturalistic, unembellished representation of real life

You should look up different genres of fantasy though. It's common people say fantasy only but there's a lot of different types. Like High Fantasy, Dark Fantasy and Urban Fantasy and there's more. What your probably meaning is Magical Realism.

Definition: a literary style that weaves threads of fantasy into a depiction of everyday life

LesK • 1 year ago

ahhh, no. slice of life means a slice, cut, piece, segment, of life. it has nothing to do with reality or anything. you're expanding and contracting the definition of the genre wrong to fit your preconceptions about it. the easiest way to give you a few examples is to pick out a few sub-genres from the SOL group: slice of school life/My Teen ROMCOM is SNAFU (no highschoolers out there /except maybe the geniuses/ talk like that show is scripted), slice of magic school life (Akashic Record of Bastard Instructor), slice of work life (Love is Hard for Otaku/Wotakoi), slice of fantasy work life (The Slime Diaries: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime) a side-story gag manga written/drawn by Shiba giving a more down-to-earth daily life of Rimuru and his subordinates.

here's a good list of 1,985 titles by MyAnimeList of the genre SOL
myanimelist dot net/anime/genre/36/Slice_of_Life

while not everybody agrees on what a genre should or shouldn't or could contain... don't limit a genre just to 'something' when it has already included that 'something' previously...

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

It's a genre way before anime became a hit. I gave the definition quite properly and you can look it up. What I gave you was correct and you going no it means something else and is wrong well I'll explain this even more. What I gave you is literally the dictionary terms to give you what it properly means. lol. Only weebs changed it to make it sound like was the daily day to day life in any genre and for some reason people never clue in that they're interested in a different genre when they often say slice of life. If it's fantasy it's not a slice of life. I could give you various examples of anime that properly fit the category. Yes, SNAFU fits in that genre as much as you don't like it and ramble on garbage to your appeal. Just because you don't like how the character is doesn't mean it doesn't fit in that genre. Also his character fits that of a realist characterization very easily not that acting realistic is the same as what genres mean. Ya a lot of people see things through rose colored glasses and are pretty dumb but not everyone is either. lol. I mean dramas end up often under slice of life without great characterization to being realistic. You can also look up magical Realism under the sub genre for fantasy. It actually even has a term of daily life in a fantasy genre. High Fantasy would be complete worlds of their own like The Witcher and Urban Fantasy would be fantasy in our world. Dark Fantasy is pretty much often much like the horror genre.

LesK • 1 year ago

innnnteresting. went on a ramble there i see. well since i've been watching anime since 1990 i bet i've got just about the broadest background between the two of us when it comes to anime.

including other forms of media was entirely outside the scope. The Witcher? my word, a Polish set of novels turned into PC and console games and a Netflix franchise is definitely outside the scope of slice of life anime. no the Witcher animated movie isn't anime. it was written directed and produced in the US. no matter whom animates a project if the overall work that gives that animation the entire structure isn't Japanese it isn't anime. the Koreans have a name for their own animation. the Chinese use donghua for their work. the Japanese use anime.

weebs? cool. weeaboos? wow. so i guess you think the Japanese who write produce and direct anime and novels manga etc. don't define slice of life FOR US THE WESTERN CONSUMERS?

i gave example titles WITHIN the sub-genres of SOL including fantasy ones and yes i fully accept slice of school life and SNAFU or i wouldn't have used that title as an example. hey, here's another example! 'Machikado Mazoku' that one is definitely SOL because it is the Urban Fantasy daily life of a suddenly awakened to her demonic heritage modern-day Japanese highschool girl. there's comedy. magical transformations. ecchi. magical powers. talking ancestors. magical items. a thousand year plus long feud. but it is all encapsulated within the limitations of the day-to-day viewpoint of one girl and those around her.

the base definitions of the words slice. of. and life. combine them together and therefore the definition of SOL comes about. it also changes and evolves over time just like every form of communication does.

i seriously think you're just narrow minded in one aspect, you specifically targeted fantasy, and drama, etc. you are confusing SETTING with GENRE. fantasy would be a setting. the world-building. the baseline 'place' and 'rules' of that place. drama is a genre. a drama ... well nevermind ... folks have been writing drama since the written word was invented so that's a pretty well-established idea.

do you see my point? yes, fantasy ect. can be defined as a genre. but when you take ANOTHER genre and put it together with SOL, you have to look at the various elements of each. then you will see that just because a story's SETTING is fantastical instead of realistic doesn't mean you can automatically chuck it out the window and not accept the writing style is SOL therefore it is a SOL.

of course opinions differ, i'm not trying to browbeat you into entirely agreeing with me. i'm merely trying to point out you're being too narrow minded about the settings of these stories.

Rigallen • 1 year ago

I won't pretend to be an expert on this sort of thing. Genre settings and characteristics were never my strong suit. However, I do want to make two points.

First; using the argument of language and communication evolve and change, is a pretty big cop out. Yes, language evolves. But recently, at least what I've seen of American culture, everyone is so insistent on changing an existing word into what they want instead of actually using the words that already exist that express what they want to say. Which is a dangerous behavior, since languages as much as they evolve still need to follow the rules.
Second: a quick google search does seem to agree, across multiple sites and definitions, that slice of life is about normal people and the "real" drama that arises from living a normal, everyday life. So, by that definition I can't help but agree with Vincent Wolf. That the moment you put fantasy into the equation, it's not slice of life anymore. Because your setting isn't going to be a "normal" one that we can actually relate to.

Admin • 1 year ago

Language and culture aren't set in stone. It changes over time because it's socially constructed. That's not a cop out, that's just a fact. There are no rules because it is up to the general population. Haven't you ever wonder why certain words have multiple meanings?

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

http s://w ww.yout ube.c om/watch?v=YtrxVWf91Jo

You'll notice that most the changes in the words are in the last decade btw. As the statement in this was weebs changed the word and got people to change the view of the meaning in 2017 regardless of over 100 years of meaning the exact same thing of naturalism and representation of real life. Asides that I figured since Lesk got that upset to put a clip for fun that goes along with current generation gibberish of dumb slang to the attempts of changing words they didn't really know. This videos just for fun. lol.

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

http s:/ /en.wikiped ia.or g/wiki/Slice_of_life

Some of that is exactly it. Modernly some words are being changed by people who misunderstood the definition and got used popularly incorrect. As an example Simp is another word we've well used for over a century that has been modernly misused and become popular. It's not the most creative insult but it meant simpleton. There's some spaces by the for that link. I'd just connect them. Can't get much better then the wiki for information though people would love to argue it as much. There are dictionary sources as to where I got my definitions to relay. It's nothing to be offended by but a lot of people use it and don't even know what the genre really is. I'd like to state this that the words aren't changed just modernly people are making up meanings to words they don't even know. It's not that the word changed it's that people see them used and misunderstand the uncommon word and hence it gets used a lot by people new to word. There's several words people are doing that to modernly.

The guy before me got messaged as spam and got mad at me for the Weeb comment and rambled on again on random stuff. Weeb is another word that people started feeling pride to when it's actually a real insult that came about by 4chan in in short for weaboo which meant an insult of people over obsessed with Japanese culture in the early 2000s. It generally goes to those people that think they know what Japan is like and get all their info from anime and video games. Also those people that pretend to be Japanese and aren't can also be considered weebs as well. LoL. In short just because one person likes games and anime doesn't make them a weeb so it's not an insult to everyone.

Leak is getting really upset for being wrong and asides blowing it out of proportion is using really unreliable sources like youtube to try to cover it. Kind of funny. He should just back down and not take this seriously.

Admin • 1 year ago

Breh why are you writing essays ain't nobody finna have time ot read that shit

James • 1 year ago

Right? Keep it short and sweet, at least five sentences.

xXPORTALXx • 1 year ago

Wtf is saying 'finna' a thing? Some famous guy have a lisp or something?

Agumon-kun • 1 year ago

Apparently ebonics for "fixing to", people use it to sound "gangsta"...

Klaxxi • 1 year ago

If he wants to debunk the oppositions points then he might aswell do it right like he is atm instead of just typing no youre wrong he even segmented it for each point to make it easier for u xD

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

You're asking me that even though you seem not to be able to write well at all? No wonder you can't read it. Lol. It wasn't suppose to be that long originally but we got someone getting severely defensive about it.

Jamal Pollack • 1 year ago

the problem with considering these sub genres as SOL is that as long as you have a main character in a story.... which I'd argue that they all do. you are making a slice of life story. you are taking a slice of their life and telling that story. which in theory cancels out the genre because everything is slice of life and saying it's SOL is redundant.

LesK • 1 year ago

i already mentioned that in the thread. everything everywhere in entertainment that illustrates anything over a period of time is SOL. dog's life. flea's life. tree's life. even dinosaurs or other extinct animals. geological studies... are little bit iffy to categorize because they're not alive. but the history of the Earth itself could also be included in SOL.

it is the singular most BROAD definition of a genre in entertainment. narrowing it down to JUST realistic or fantastical worlds and excluding fantastical worlds is NOT the definition of the genre. which was the original purpose of this thread. do read the whole thread before inserting your input.

Testarossa • 1 year ago

Same dude

leasamimee • 1 year ago

I'm conditioning myself since the MC are similar.

Akebi • 1 year ago

Yes I saw that It's already announced but no info when it will released.

Testarossa • 1 year ago

The things that I hate about these animes where mc trying to hide their power instead of just using half of their power they try do hard not to grab attention with weak magic is so annoying I've watch too many of these I feel annoyed like think of it this way if you don't want to attract attention you know you have op skills and powers why not work as a shopkeeper or employee ? Wtf 😒 how about farmers cleaners and commission for people wtf baking ?

I thought it was just a rumors?? But if it's true then I'm glad. I love the story of it, slice of life like what you've said. Too bad the anime is way too far from the manga so I really wish for S2

I'm_H0rny • 1 year ago

thank you now i got something to watch and then wait for season 2 i guess

Talo Grim • 1 year ago

That's what this show reminded me of

N99dels • 1 year ago

The cooler slime anime

2 parasites spotted. They joined the party for the rewards and will rely on the MC to protect both of them.

OfficialDrixMalone • 1 year ago

These hoes will be expecting any and everything from the MC soon, taking advantage of his kindness and capitalizing on/off of his abilities (like they probably benefited from the first mission that the MC actually accomplished lol). So "parasites" is definitely the best word to define them, though, like women in real life, they gravitate to the men that's stronger, taller and powerful (economically, physically, etc...), it's in their biology, just as men wanting beautiful women is in our biology.

Still, they were so outwardly proud and direct about using him for protection and a quick get rich scheme lmao, making him have to be in that position without his opinion or agreement smh. Just decided for him that he'll be their bodyguard and cash-cow, a commodity, as they don't have to do jack shii except breathe lol. Hilarious how they openly said that they joined the team because he'd be there to protect them (like he'll have time to freaking protect them smh) and they know he'll defeat the dragon so they'll also be rewarded a fortune just from being on his team and won't even need to do anything like last time.

Admin • 1 year ago

I mean I feel like most people would've done the same thing if they were the side character. It's the equivalent of being partnered up with the smart kid in class or people trying to be your friend because you're the first person to own a car.

Jackiedude • 1 year ago

It wouldn't make sense to have any other relationship with him. He's strong and he produces a good income.

Though, he is dull. As dull as a pebble that has been ground up by the ocean tides for millions of years.

I'm going to be surprised if any of these girls get romantic feelings for him. And then I won't be surprised by it, because he needs some kind of plot to make up for his dullness. Lmao

Yeah, I laughed about how they openly said that line.

Grandpa Lampshade • 1 year ago

This anime is more realistic that it appears at first glance lol

kloaf123 • 1 year ago

I agree. Like the reasonable excuse that one dude made for taking a middle shift. And then betraying them for personal gain

Fortune's Feline • 1 year ago


Normally I'd expect them to wait a decent 3 or 4 episodes before deciding "RELUCTANTLY" or "SHYLY" or even "EXASPERATEDLY" that he was worth sticking around. These two after a short ways in the forest and meeting some bad guy...."we're in the chain gang now, no separations allowed". XD

ALTHOUGH, with that said, it's nice that they can trust his monotone reactions and be so comfortable with him at such and early stage, and I'm only being partially sarcastic about that. Sometimes it's nice to have a little switch up every now and then.

Btw, I'm not ragging on this anime, truthfully so far it's got it good points and bad points, so I'm choosing to appreciate the good ones and enjoy the show. ;)

Ron Aflalo • 1 year ago

its kinda weird that they feel comfortable with him when most of the time he isnt even responding to them lol